Our excel celebrity spotlight is Designer Quinton de” Alexander( chief Dr.Tamba Taylor)-CEO of We Dream in color Foundation Inc.Quinton is known for what is referred to as “Drama dresses”. Dresses designed to display and say so much that every head must turn
#CHUKWUKELOVE From the party guests who traveled between continents to the core wine-carrying traditions of the Igbos, the couple proved that they could live across continents but never forget where home is. https://www.flipsnack.com/excelglobalmedia/excel-travel-style-magazine-vol-4/full-view.html?fbclid=IwAR1DLAB-6kLN4i6I0wtM_vPDm9GnTjksPGKD5ODr5pxRTf5QGwJ-AMvUTUQ https://anyflip.com/homepage/xngfv
#CHUKWUKELOVE The Couple returned to their hometown in Ojoto, Anambra State, Nigeria, to have their traditional wedding. Their ceremony Captured the beauty of the modern Igbo tradition. The stylish bride wore luxury outfits by Nigerian designers, and her looks stayed true to
They also found out that they lived within ten minutes from each other in the village. After the orphanage visits, Vince introduced Claudia to his parents and told them informally that he was interested in her. That 2017 Christmas sealed their relationship
#CHUKWUKELOVE They also found out that they lived within ten minutes from each other in the village. After the orphanage visits, Vince introduced Claudia to his parents and told them informally that he was interested in her. That 2017 Christmas sealed their
#CHUKWUKELOVE When Claudia led an orphanage visit as part of the UIU-Atlanta Igboland project in Anambra state, Vince was one of the ambassadors and so they travelled home together. https://www.flipsnack.com/excelglobalmedia/excel-travel-style-magazine-vol-4/full-view.html?fbclid=IwAR1DLAB-6kLN4i6I0wtM_vPDm9GnTjksPGKD5ODr5pxRTf5QGwJ-AMvUTUQ #africanwedding #exceltravelstylemagazine #africanfashion #internationalfashiondesigners #travelafrica #travelliberia #travelghana #travelnigeria #travelhoustontexas #tekaydesign #exceltekayinternationalpageant #exceltekaypageant
FROM THE US TO NIGERIA AND BACK #CHUKWUKELOVE When Vince chukwukelu and Claudia Okonkwo attended the Umu Igbo Unite(UIU)-Atlanta meeting on a Sunday, little did they know they would meet each other. He noticed a beautiful woman during the introductions, approached
KDE DISABILITY AFRICA FOUNDATION A 501C3 Non-Profit Organization founded to improve the lives of people with disabilities in Africa and the US by providing: 1)FOOD 2)TRAINING 3)WHEELCHAIRS 4)CLOTHING
KDE DISABILITY AFRICA FOUNDATION A 501C3 Non-Profit Organization founded to improve the lives of people with disabilities in Africa and the US by providing: 1)FOOD 2)TRAINING 3)WHEELCHAIRS 4)CLOTHING
EXCEL TEKAY INTERNATIONAL PAGEANT TEAM VIDEO PRODUCTION MANAGER CHRISTINA BROWN Christina Brown is a Filmmaker, Videographer, and Video editor. She loves shooting music videos, commercials, and short stories. Born in Houston Texas, she moved to Hollywood, CMuhammadfornia where she acquired a vast